Cottonwood Stable . Cody Wyoming

A training stable dedicated to creating an environment that will encourage the horse and rider to achieve harmony for a safe and enjoyable relationship through communication and education.

Sophie (4 yrs old) and "Hilery"

Sophie (6 yrs old) and "Music"

Addison and "Katie"


Cottonwood Stable is a full care boarding facility located in Cody Wyoming.

Boarding is $300.00 a month and includes hay.

Featuring 40x80 pens with run in shed and automatic waterers. Pens cleaned every day. Hay fed twice a day. An outdoor arena with sand and rubber footing and lots of trails to get out and ride!

Lessons are $50.00 per hour.

Training $900/month includes boarding.

Professional lessons and training in dressage, jumping and western horsemanship.

Beginners to advanced students. Lesson horses available.

Schooling Show Judge

Teaching Clinics

Newest Addition

"Stella Luna" 2 months old. full sister to Siracha.


"Siracha" (out of Dazzle by Sir Gregory).  Received her premium status and foal of distinction at her GOV inspection!!!


SOLD! "Sommer" full sister to Sonny and Bella. 13 months old.

SOLD! "Bella" 4 months old at her GOV inspection. At the inspection, the Judge said she is a very lovely, leggy modern type with great suspension, neck and personality. She is a full sister to "Sonny". Dazzle is her Dam. Sonntagskind is her sire.

About Cottonwood Stable trainer Emily Zalewski

    Cottonwood Stable trainer Emily Zalewski has 45 years experience in training and teaching. A few highlights follow:
    1975 champion and best conditioned competitive trail horse in Washington State
    Achieved numerous awards in A rated Arabian Horse shows
    4-H leader for 13 years
    WCHA cutting champion 1994-95
    2007 All Breeds award dressage training level champion for Belgian Warmbloods nationally
    Emily's students are successful in 4-H, pony club, open, dressage and jumping events and shows.
    Emily also judges Schooling Shows and teaches clinics

Contact Emily at Cottonwood Stable


142 Road 2BD Cody, Wyoming 


